Diana Dunlap Diana Dunlap

Who Was This Woman? Finding a Westerosi Witch

Sometimes, characters decide to take up residence inside my head for lengthy periods of time. Sometimes they’re real historical figures, sometimes entirely fictional, and they are frequently uninvited or at least unexpected.

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Diana Dunlap Diana Dunlap

Alys Rivers: Enchantress

Thus begins Part 3 of my discussion of Alys Rivers, focusing on her depiction as a paramour and possible user of love magic. Although I explore real-world inspiration and cultural roots, I also delve much further into character development speculation here, exploring what might really be going on in Alys’s relationships with both Prince Aemond and Ser Criston Cole, and considering where I hope House of the Dragon might take all of these seductively witchy storytelling currents in the future. Enjoy! 

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Diana Dunlap Diana Dunlap

Alys Rivers: The Witch’s Body

Immediately upon introducing Alys and repeating the speculative theories surrounding her heritage, Archmaester Gyldayn recounts this slew of additional rumors surrounding Alys’s character and conduct, all of which focus on her fertility and her sexuality in combination with her magical ability. In short, all these rumors are focused primarily on Alys’s physical body and what she did with it.

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Diana Dunlap Diana Dunlap

The Bastard of Harrenhal: A Fan Screenplay

In the spirit of “show, don’t tell,” here’s my take on depicting Alys and the women of Harrenhal in a complex, realistic way. This scene is set some time after Daemon captures Harrenhal in 129 A.C., early in the Dance of the Dragons. We don’t often get to hear direct conversations between smallfolk, including servants, although I do think House of the Dragon made a good start of incorporating more midwives, handmaidens, and other servants into the narrative, and I’m expanding on that inspiration here - think Downton Abbey below stairs meets HotD.

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Diana Dunlap Diana Dunlap

How Sharra Became the Witch Queen: A Fanfic for a Winter Night

Before returning to analytical posts, I’m taking a welcome leap into the fantastical with a fanfiction screenplay set amongst the smallfolk of Harrenhal. I’m always ready for an eerie tale on a winter night, and as the polar vortex winds are currently screaming around my office, this feels like just the right time for this story. It’s an experiment with using in-world folklore in the way that GRRM does, for both world-building and potential main-story parallels.

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Diana Dunlap Diana Dunlap

Who, What, Why: About the Blog

Welcome to Sword Without a Hilt! As you’re probably aware, this is a fan blog devoted to the portrayal of magic and religion in George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire novels and related writings, as well as the HBO adaptations of the same. If you haven’t yet stopped by my homepage, take a quick look to find out a little bit more about me and what this blog is about before I dive into the nitty-gritty below. I’m an actor, writer, and historian of Early Modern Europe with a focus on gender, and I’m bringing all three perspectives to my exploration of the continents of Planetos and their many magical and mystical facets.

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